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Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Hasta Luego!

I won't be posting for the next week as I enjoy a long overdue vacation in Barcelona. See you June 2nd!

For now, I'm off to my castle in Spain.... to eat nothing but cake!

End of the Road: Oprah's Last Stand

Oh my Oprah! That crazy old guy got the wrong date: the end of the world wasn't Saturday but TODAY. For today, Oprah signs off into the sunset.

I will be on an airplane bound for Iberia, but have no fear I'll feel it. The moment when the world as we know it tremors into a new world order and 4pm sick days will feel hopeless and barren.

We'll miss you Ops.

I think the video below sums it up with the first lyric: "Grow and go, O"


It Can't All Be dior

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Book Club: Oleg Cassini's Memoirs

Masterfully melding my two loves, history and fashion, Oleg Cassini's autobiography, "In My Own Fashion" also showcases a skillful dose of trash talk, financial ups and downs, whirlwind romances (he's straight and he married Gene Tierney and romanced many, many others), jet setting, adversaries (right now he's met his match in Edith Head) and name dropping.

And wild audacious claims like this one

"Producer Arthur Hornblow... asked me to work on 'I Wanted Wings', an aeronautical big-budget mishap, noteworthy only for the debut of a young starlet named Veronica Lake, whose blonde peekaboo hairstyle created a sensation across the country. With all due modesty, I must admit: I created that look..."

And I'm only on page 103. The book is full of these grandiose claims and I haven't even made it to his 60's heyday of being the on call couturier for Jackie Kennedy

(It's good to be king... of the pill box hat)

In 36 hours I'll be on a plane bound for Spain for a week long celebration. Thank you, Mr. Cassini, for the ultimate in vacation reads.

Picture Graf: Probably Not a Little Monster

With the release of her sophomore effort, how about a little pop culture commentary via New York City graffiti

Ow. Harsh.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Loewe Drama

Spanish fashion label, Loewe's Spring ad campaign tells the sordid tale of fiery passion ignited rapidly. The understood holiday end date is the cause for the speed and just as quick crash and burn.

Jeepers, I could totally write a Telenovela!

Meanwhile, MariaCarla, you give good face

and really good purse as visual vagina

And Now JAWS?

Why does Baby Aspen make a terry robe hoodie for your baby that features it getting eaten alive by a Great White? And why does Hautelook have this on their site right now?

(Nice pun, though...)

Great idea, Aspen Baby, frighten the s**t out of the child will guarantee and easy repeat of tub time. 

Horror movie motif continues. Yikes!

(Baby Aspen "Let the Fin Begin" terry shark robe, $20 at Haute Look,

Window Dressing on the Side: Isabel Marant's New Nightmare

(I'm just waiting for this Freddy Krueger bust to come alive and crack wise with some cheesy pun)

Ok, something's going on with my noggin' lately cuz everything reminds me of Nightmare on Elm Street right now

Or maybe Freddy Krueger is just the cultural man of the moment? Something in the air that says "Whatever you do, don't fall asleep! Or pay retail!"

(This dress had even got Freddy's favorite color-wave and pattern. Maybe he's freelancing as a designer? Dream killers have been hurt bad by the recession)

Late for Lunch

Wow, it's 12pm and I'm just starting to Blog. Sorry kids, but got wrapped up prepping for SPAIN!

Let the Monday blogging commence! 

Friday, May 20, 2011

Oh Ladurée!

When Miss A.T. and I went to Paris for my 30th birthday we spent an evening on our shared hotel bed sitting Indian style and comparing notes.

I thought the blackcurrant violet was too jammy while the orange blossom was the perfect balance of creamy sweetness with a hint of floral. Lemon was her favorite with coffee a close second

We were comparing macarons from famed pâtisserie, Ladurée. We'd both purchased one of each flavor and we're literally writing down individual reviews (no blog then, for surely that was an It Can't All Be Dior post!)

(Ladurée macarons give Christmas a run for its money in the city of lights)

Anywho, the big news is now I can relive that memory again and again come July when Ladurée finally expands to the States with a shop opening at 845 Madison Avenue (between 70th/ 71st street)

A reason to travel to the Upper East Side? Quelle surprise!

DON'T: One Two Boots is Coming for You

Why does the children's artwork at my favorite pizza spot the Two Boots on Bleecker Street look like the drawings of a haunted child?

Maybe I've seen too many horror movies....

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow!

(These thieves must be stopped in their tracks!)

The New York Times reported this week about a ring of thieves weaving a national crime wave for hair extensions. Since March news has been coming out about robberies from hair salons in Texas, California, Michigan, Illinois and more. Some have even resulted in violence like the burglary in Dearborn, Michigan that ended in the death of the beauty shop owner!

All this for "Remy", the most coveted of human hair from India that goes straight to the street or black market for huge profits

(Just look at that bounty!)

And like drug addicts mugging victims for cash but ignoring fancy watches, these thieves have repeatedly passed over flat screen TVs, digital cameras and even whole cash registers for the profitable Indian hair extensions

(That little birdy ain't gonna protect you, Princess!)

Yikes, what's next street scalping? Indian ladies and anyone with thick dark locks (r'uh-r'oh) better be on the watch!

Dear Cutesy Celeb, This is the Summer Sweater for You

Dear Perpetually 12 and Twee,

I'm speaking to you, Michelle Williams, Kirsten Dunst, Dakota Fanning, Zooey Deschanel (hello, Chanel in your name, darlin'!) and your ilk: 

Maybe it's the week-long chill and rain, but I've been eying this sweet little Chanel cashmere sweater for your next photo op! You'll look perfectly Parisian put together from the front, with a literal 'wink" as you exit. 

You're welcome,

-It Can't All Be Dior

NEW with Tags Chanel cashmere short sleeve sweater, size medium, Retail $1,945, Roundabout price $695 at Roundabout UES, 646-755-8009

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Paul Stuart Knows One Week 'til Barcelona!

Causing Quite the Vandal

Brooklyn based street artist, Paul Richard, reminds you that this dissident collection of tags, promotional fliers and construction notices is what New Yorkers call art

I know my daily walk to work is New York-ified with the scribblings of all these creatives

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

lt's All About the Lighting

It's almost like a Francois Orzon movie, isn't it? Tragic.

Don't I Look Cute Today: How to Dress to ask for a Raise

Yes, pink corduroys and argyle vests are the look that I feel says "trust in me. Invest in me your shekels and I will lead you to the promised land."

Battle of the Kate's: Naomi as Bridesmaid?

(Perusing the David's Bridal catalog together)

Oh my golly, only Kate Moss could get Naomi Campbell to play bridesmaid and if these rumors are true then Ms Campbell is ready and willing to throw on the pink taffeta confection.

Eat your heart out, Pippa.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Time to Pick Your Top Model All Star!

They still wanna be on top

(The cast of Top Model All Stars Revealed)

And who can blame them? Fame like this is addictive. And while you're busy dating Jim Carrey or documenting your real modelling career in Asia, these ladies are back for another round of masochism with Tyra.

Let's do a rundown of the hopefuls getting their second chance at that coveted contract with Cover Girl

Cycle 1: Shannon

Otherwise known as the pretty religious one. Runner up to Adrianne Curry.

Chances: She better start praying.

Cycle 2: Camille

Delusional Camille thought herself a somebody, baby and told Tyra her walk would make her famous. Tyra told her to walk.

Chances: Post Top Model she hired a full time bodyguard for "protection". Maybe he can rough up the other girls?

Cycle 4: Brittany

Blow up doll look-a-like and Janice Dickinson look-a-like (same thing?) Brittany made up for her porn star looks with a great sense of humor. Like Jenny McCarthy, minus the career longevity.

Chances: She's not Singled Out for the win.

Cycle 5: Bre

Remember "Granola Bar-Gate"? Well don't let that silly drama eclipse the fact that this B can walk and they've brought her back to teach the girls. Will her strut be enough?

Chances: She's already "in" with Tyra (even working on the Tyra Show). Now she has to remain in the house. And, girl, leave the Red Bulls alone.

Cycle 5: Lisa

Umm... didn't she wear a diaper and false teeth and talk to plants? And then go to Celebrity Rehab with Dr Drew?

Chances: Purely on the show for drama.

Cycle 9: Bianca

Anger management girl. Every show needs one (sadly, usually tied in with token angry black girl).  Since leaving Top Model has had public brawls with other d-listers. Sad, cuz she ok pretty. 

Chances: She has a fighting chance if she can hold her temper.   

Cycle 10: Dominique

Drag-a-licious I believe is what the judges said when she got the cut the first time. 

Chances: Never count out a man in a dress, honey!

Cycle 11: Isis

Isis never lived up to her potential in her season and let her nerves get the best of her. Has she become the goddess she's meant to be since her first go at Top Model

Chances: If you're so "fierce" that Tyra pulls you from the background of one season's photo shoot, you've got the Charisma, Uniqueness and Talent. Now bring the Nerve!

Cycle 11: Sheena

The funny thing about the dud of a season that was Cycle 11 is how my two faves on this list come from it. Sheena is a punk rocker indeed cuz she didn't give an F and just wanted to laugh and wear silly clothes ("It's Moschino"). Love her!

Chances: Sheena take, Sheena take a bow. Cuz everybody's rootin' for you, girl!

Cycle 12: Allison

My friend, Mr Dressy Jeans, loves her. I'm a fan of that big doe eyed doll look, but hopefully she's gotten a little more pep since we last saw her.

Chances: If she can deliver some more personality, then the eyes have it.

Cycle 13: Laura

From the Shortie season, Laura was the country hick with Big City ambitions. She came in second, but is she gunnin' for the gold this go?

Chances: I think baby girl's gonna come up short. Again.

Cycle 14: Angelea

This girl was craze. And I liked it. Although that bit where she recreated her entrance into da' club is still painful to watch during Oxygen Top Model marathons. Will she embarrass herself again?

Chances: Yes. She will. 

Cycle 15: Kayla

I had to look her up. No idea who she was. But this season was also one of the worst ever, Vogue Italia or not. 

Chances: If you're not memorable....

Cycle 16: Alexandria

Didn't we just get rid of this B? She's all weird mouth, oddly shaped skull. And Jade-like self-denial and cockiness. And if you're gonna do Jade-like, why not bring back the REAL thing?!

Chances: Jade! Jade! Jade!

So there you have it. I'm team Isis, Sheena and Bre. Who are you bettin on?

About Me

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I'm a fashion writer who writes for Bluefly, EDGE Media, VIRAL Fashion, etc. I use "It Can't All Be Dior" as a safe release for my love of coats, cats and cake. Phew!