is it any surprise that Guillaume Henry's Spring casuals in pops of color and texture at Carven are my fave of the season so far!

"We will have news in the next few weeks."
…at O we strive to be stylish – and know our readers do, too – we encourage every woman to create her own definition of what that means… but all trends will never work for all people. And there’s one that O has decided to skip, not just this season but in every issue since the magazine began: garments made of real fur…
“In the beginning my thing was, ‘Have you seen Chicago winters? You need a fur coat in Chicago!” Oprah told me. “But I had an aha moment looking at a sable cape in my closet.” The cape’s thick pelt gave her a visceral sense of how many four-leggeds had been used in its creation, bred specifically to be killed: “and that was it. I gave away all my furs 20 years ago.”