Even though Winter still has New York tight in it's grip, wedding season is coming mighty quick. Soon invites will be in your mailbox for dates you've already saved and speeches will need to be given to friends grown up.
Now I personally favor a roast like toast with a wink at the trove of embarrassing tales I've not yet forgotten, but if you're the shy soon to be best man type, or perhaps, "respectful", this book gives comprehensive tips on how to talk your pal up in front of his wife and crew
This book's PC suggestions secure your invite to the second and third marriages. Plus learn handy tips on toasting co-workers at employee of the month ceremonies and college buddies on their honorary titles from your Alma Mater
Although who toasts an un-successful political candidate, when a simple "you F-ed up" will do?
(Toasts and Tributes leather bound and embossed book, Brooks Brothers, $28 at Mr. Porter, http://www.mrporter.com/product/302100)